Home Blog Speaker Johnson uses ‘McCarthy-esque’ tactics after House Republicans block FISA bill us polictics news

Speaker Johnson uses ‘McCarthy-esque’ tactics after House Republicans block FISA bill us polictics news

Speaker Johnson uses ‘McCarthy-esque’ tactics after House Republicans block FISA bill us polictics news

NBC News Capitol Hill Correspondent Ali Vitali joins Meet the Press NOW to report on the latest GOP infighting in the House as Republicans block a bill to reauthorize the nation’s warrantless surveillance powers and Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) faces threats to oust him over Ukraine aid.us polictics news NBC News Capitol Hill Correspondent Ali Vitali joins Meet the Press NOW to report on the latest GOP infighting in the House as Republicans block a bill to reauthorize the nation’s warrantless surveillance powers and Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) faces threats to oust him over Ukraine aid. 


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