Home Blog Doctor who saved Sen. Duckworth’s life in Iraq now stranded in Gaza us polictics news

Doctor who saved Sen. Duckworth’s life in Iraq now stranded in Gaza us polictics news

Doctor who saved Sen. Duckworth’s life in Iraq now stranded in Gaza us polictics news

Sen. Tammy Duckworth is working to try and help Dr. Adam Hamawy return safely to the U.S. after he became trapped in Gaza while providing emergency medical care. Duckworth says she owes her life to Hamawy after he provided critical care to her when she was wounded in the Iraq War.us polictics news Sen. Tammy Duckworth is working to try and help Dr. Adam Hamawy return safely to the U.S. after he became trapped in Gaza while providing emergency medical care. Duckworth says she owes her life to Hamawy after he provided critical care to her when she was wounded in the Iraq War. 


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