Home Blog Clyburn says he didn’t work with Republicans on gerrymandered map: ‘I offered my suggestions’ us polictics news

Clyburn says he didn’t work with Republicans on gerrymandered map: ‘I offered my suggestions’ us polictics news


A federal court ruled South Carolina must use a congressional map that it called an “unconstitutional racial gerrymander” after the Supreme Court failed to weigh in. Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) responds to ProPublica’s reporting that he worked with Republicans on that map to maintain his district.us polictics news A federal court ruled South Carolina must use a congressional map that it called an “unconstitutional racial gerrymander” after the Supreme Court failed to weigh in. Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) responds to ProPublica’s reporting that he worked with Republicans on that map to maintain his district. 


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